Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 15

Leadership - Essay Example Just as with any other business, the school’s primary objective is to improve the quality of education since the business centers on the provision of education services. This way, the capacity of the school improves. As indicated, a principle is both a leader and a manager. This requires the new principle to adopt management and leadership theories that change the performance of the school within the shortest time possible. Among the vital aspects of management in the facility is human resource management. The members of staff are the primary resources at the facility and therefore require effective management in order to improve the performance of the school. However, the analysis of the forty-one member staff portrays a grim picture of the schools future. Among the first management operations, that the new principle must carry out is employee evaluation. The evaluation will help the manager make appropriate decisions on the management of the school. As the study portrays, some of the teachers are unmotivated while others have no expertise. The staff assessment will help the principle determine the appropriate number of teachers to retain. The new principle must inherit a lean and equally efficient staff. Efficiency of the staff relies on their level of motivation and enthusiasm. Those who the analysis proved to lack expertise must quit the facility while the rest must promise to work efficiently. Management theory of leadership is the most appropriate in the circumstance. The theory centers on the roles of employee supervision, group performance and employee motivation among many other vital features of an organization. The theory dictates that the leader must have absolute understanding of employee psychology in order to formulate and implement policies that will steer growth and prosperity in the organization. Among the vital employee, motivational theories that

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