Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Reflection on the Hobbit . - 1377 Words

Journal Response– Activity #6 The final sense that I understood from the novel is that even if someone doesn’t seem like they are capable to complete something or act a certain way there is always hope or room for someone to grow. I say that this is a big part of the final part of the book is because Bilbo changes so much and grows so much as a hobbit then you would have expected him to. Another big thing that I took from the book is that if you were working together and not scared to ask for help from anyone you meet you will be able to reach the goal you were working towards or whatever you are trying to get to. If you are not afraid to ask for help the more likely you will complete whatever you are trying to. As it goes for†¦show more content†¦That is good for Bilbo because in the beginning of the adventure he was quiet and had no idea with what to do about anything. â€Å"In all their talk they came perpetually back to one thing: where was Smaug? They looked West and there was nothing, and E ast there was nothing, and in the South there was no sign of the dragon,† I believe this was significant to the book in general because they were so interested in finding the dragon which no doubt is where they needed to end up to get the treasure but if the dragon was nowhere to be found you would think that they would know they are in the wrong place looking for the dragon. Although they figured that out and knew that I still believe it is significant because that was a big tip that the dragon had to be where they thought it was and it couldn’t be anywhere else. â€Å"There was once more a tremendous excitement and enthusiasm. But the grim-voiced fellow ran hotfoot to the Master. â€Å"The dragon is coming or I am a fool!† he cried. â€Å"Cut the bridges! To arms! To arms!†Ã¢â‚¬  This is a very important part to the novel because this is right before the dragon came to attack the town. They do not think that it would be the dragon in the beginning beca use they do not believe that they did anything wrong and as far as they know, they didn’t. When the dragon is going to attack the city is plays an important part in the entire novel because if the dragon didn’t go to the city and destroy it they wouldn’t have any need and demandShow MoreRelatedThe Hobbit1067 Words   |  5 Pagesliterature set in a fantasy oriented stage will have no merits to the youths of today. The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, however, with its crafty of usage symbolism, displays its relevance to issues that often trouble teens. As the story progresses from a children’s tale to an epic, the main character Bilbo undergoes a series of development, his experiences often overlapping with ordinary people. Reading the Hobbit will provide teens with opportunities of exploring the importance of several common butRead MoreTreatment of Race in the Hobbit by J.R.R. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr, And Ethical Concerns - 1842 Words

As Christian’s we often forget or fail to acknowledge that mental illness can happen to us. Naturally, we are all humans too and what I have learned thus far is that some mental illnesses do not discriminate. Whether some illnesses are genetically driven or environmentally driven, illness can have a major impact on how the individual functions. Mental illnesses have affected many Christian leaders in the past and present. It has been said that some illnesses such as depression may have fueled some Christian leaders. Specifically, Martin Luther King Jr. was said to have depression, which helped him empathize with people. In this paper I will explore background information on Martin Luther King Jr, and ethical concerns that could come up in treatment. In addition, I will present a DSM-V diagnosis; provide a theoretical orientation, and a treatment plan that will work with Mr. King if he was my client. Background Information Martin Luther King Jr. was born January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia (Mwita, 2004). Martin’s father was a Baptist Reverend and his mother was an accomplished organist and leader of their church choir, so he was practically raised in the church. As a child Martin was a pretty well behaved boy, but he reports that he remembers events in his life that caused him great anger (Mwita, 2004). He remembers issues of racism and the sudden loss of his Grandmother that caused him great distress. Martin suffered from depression for most of his life. Martin was aShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Martin Luther King Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail962 Words   |  4 Pagesintangible, it is still necessary. Some forms of inspiration come as passionate love while others appeal as injustice. Martin Luther King Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail was a response to A Call for Unity by eight white clergymen. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Chinese new year Essay Example For Students

Chinese new year Essay Part 1 Chinese New Year The Chinese New Year has a great history. In other traditions, by this time in the year, most resolutions made on December 31 have been subtly forgotten and placed in a cupboard marked maybe next year. However, all hope is not lost, as theres a second chance to start afresh with the celebration of Chinese New Year on February 5th. The Chinese New Year is very similar to the Western one, swathed in traditions and rituals. The origin of the Chinese New Year is itself centuries old in fact, too old to actually be traced. It is popularly recognised as the Spring Festival and celebrations last 15 days. Preparations tend to begin a month from the date of the Chinese New Year (similar to a Western Christmas), when people start buying presents, decoration materials, food and clothing. A huge clean-up gets underway days before the New Year, when Chinese houses are cleaned from top to bottom, to sweep away any traces of bad luck, and doors and windowpanes are given a new coat of paint, usually red. The doors and windows are then decorated with paper cuts and couplets with themes such as happiness, wealth and longevity printed on them. The eve of the New Year is perhaps the most exciting part of the event, as anticipation creeps in. Here, traditions and rituals are very carefully observed in everything from food to clothing. Dinner is usually a feast of seafood and dumplings, signifying different good wishes. Delicacies include prawns, for liveliness and happiness, dried oysters (or ho xi), for all things good, raw fish salad or yu sheng to bring good luck and prosperity, Fai-hai (Angel Hair), an edible hair-like seaweed to bring prosperity, and dumplings boiled in water (Jiaozi) signifying a long-lost good wish for a family. Its usual to wear something red as this colour is meant to ward off evil spirits but black and white are out, as these are associated with mourning. After dinner, the family sit up for the night playing cards, board games or watching TV programmes dedicated to the occasion. At midnight, the sky is lit up by fireworks. On the day itself, an ancient custom called Hong Bao, meaning Red Packet, takes place. This involves married couples giving children and unmarried adults money in red envelopes. Then the family begins to say greetings from door to door, first to their relatives and then their neighbours. Like the Western saying let bygones be bygones, at Chinese New Year, grudges are very easily cast aside. The end of the New Year is marked by the Festival of Lanterns, which is a celebration with singing, dancing and lantern shows. Although celebrations of the Chinese New Year vary, the underlying message is one of peace and happiness for family members and friends. Part 2The first day of the Lunar New Year is the welcoming of the gods of the heavens and earth.Many people abstain from meat on the first day of the new year because it is believed that this will ensure long and happy lives for them. On the second day, the Chinese pray to their ancestors as well as to all the gods. They are extra kind to dogs and feed them well as it is believed that the second day is the birthday of all dogs. The third and fourth days are for the sons-in-laws to pay respect to their parents-in-law. The fifth day is called Po Woo. On that day people stay home to welcome the God of Wealth. No one visits families and friends on the fifth day because it will bring both parties bad luck. On the sixth to the 10th day, the Chinese visit their relatives and friends freely. They also visit the temples to pray for good fortune and health. The seventh day of the New Year is the day for farmers to display their produce. These farmers make a drink from seven types of vegetables to celebrate the occasion. The seventh day is also considered the birthday of human beings. Noodles are eaten to promote longevity and raw fish for success. On the eighth day the Fujian people have another family reunion dinner, and a t midnight they pray to Tian Gong, the God of Heaven. The ninth day is to make offerings to the Jade Emperor. The 10th through the 12th are days that friends and relatives should be invited for dinner. After so much rich food, on the 13th day you should have simple rice congee and mustard greens (choi sum) to cleanse the system. The 14th day should be for preparations to celebrate the Lantern Festival which is to be held on the 15th night.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Starbucks Leadership Structure Essay Example

Starbucks Leadership Structure Paper Strong leadership strategy and efficient leadership culture are an integral part of any entrepreneurship. Predetermining the course of the company’s actions, the strategies that are going to be chosen in the relationships with the customers, and the specifics of the organizational behavior within the firm, these elements serve as the building blocks for the company’s organizational environment. Considering the example of Starbucks, its recent downfall and nonetheless impressive success that followed the misfortune as a result of adopting a unique leadership strategy will help prove the significance of a leadership strategy. An Introspective into the Mechanism of Starbucks’ Clockwork: Leadership Culture, Team Structure and Human Resource Strategy Analysis Adopting the right leadership approach is not easy. Choosing a leadership culture, one sets the standards for the organizational behavior and predetermines the rates of the employees’ engagement, which influences the quality of the product considerably. One of the most outstanding examples of a leadership culture is the one adopted by the head of the Starbucks. Because of the choice of a mixture of servant leadership and persuasive leadership cultures, Schultz has managed not only to survive the recent notorious expansion crisis (Seaford, Culp, Brooks, 2012), but also to reorganize the company a mere year later towards even more recognition and success. Starbucks and Its Leadership Culture Speaking of the leadership culture at Starbucks, one must mention that the company has deviated from the traditional concept of a perfect leadership style. We will write a custom essay sample on Starbucks Leadership Structure specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Starbucks Leadership Structure specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Starbucks Leadership Structure specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It is a common knowledge that the transformational leadership is the optimum choice for any major company to arrange the work of its employees in the most efficient way possible. According to the existing sources, transformational leadership offers for much more opportunities in improving the production process through the change of organizational behavior of the employees and the change of corporate culture, since it allows for a transformation of the way in which the employees see their work and its significance. Helping the company leader both pay enough attention to the staff and control the production process, the given approach is considered the most efficient one at present. However, Starbucks went even further in their dedication to the needs of their staff, claiming that the company adopts a servant leadership strategy. The above-mentioned choice can be justified by the fact that Starbucks has always insisted on the significance of establishing perfect relationships between the company leader and the staff. According to the principles, which Starbucks is guided by, the company’s highest priority is the concern for the personal and professional growth of its employees. As it is stated in Behar and Goldstein’s article that studies the specifics of leadership structure in Starbucks, â€Å"At Starbucks, we value people most of all, more than we value money. From the very beginning, people have always come first. People come before profits. People come before worrying about lawsuits. People come before the coffee† (Behar Goldstein, 2010, 20). It must be admitted that the given leadership culture has its pros and cons. One of the doubtless benefits of the given strategy is that Starbucks will always have devoted staff, which works to provide only top quality products. After all, it is important to develop trustworthy relationships between the members of the staff and the managers. Thus, numerous conflicts can be avoided, and the process of knowledge management can be improved considerably. With the help of servant leadership approach, one can make sure that the contribution of each member of the staff is appreciated and that the needs and wants of every single employee are taken into consideration. Thus, better cooperation between the employees and the management can be provided. Unfortunately, the given leadership culture also has its problems, which the Starbucks has already experienced, according to the results of the recent research. One of the most obvious drawbacks regarding the servant leadership style is that it takes impressively long time for the given leadership style to have effect. While the given peculiarity of a servant leadership style may not be the issue with the employees who have been working in the company for quite long, with the newcomers, it will take much time for the servant leadership style to influence the perspective of the former. Team Structure of Starbucks Starbucks also has a very peculiar team structure. Before proceeding with the analysis of the Starbucks team, it should be mentioned that there are different ways of classifying the team structure, depending on the basic principle of classification. For example, depending on the role that a company leader performs in the specified company, teams can be described as ego-less, democratic hierarchical, chief programmer, and ideal teams. Choosing the focus of the teamwork, one will be able to split the teams in existing companies into divisional structure, matrix structure, organizational circle, etc. Starbucks, however, offers a very special case of team definition. Since Starbucks puts a major emphasis on the relationships with its staff, it can be assumed that Starbucks employs a matrix team structure. Indeed, when considering the specifics of the way in which the teamwork in Starbucks is organized, one must mention that the company’s strategy is to combine the functional division and the product-based one, with the necessity to report to two people at the helm. As a result, the company displays a very well developed hierarchy, with every employee being assigned with a specific function and a very strict control taken over the entire production and knowledge management processes. The principle of hierarchy employed at the Starbucks Company can be viewed as both a very reliable and at the same time a rather old-fashioned approach. Speaking of the negative aspects of the hierarchy structure employed in the Starbucks Company, one must mention that it allows very little wiggle room for the staff to make decisions concerning a specific task. On the one hand, it may be assumed that total control is a part of the company’s plan. By adopting the hierarchy team structure, Starbucks leader can delegate powers to specific people, control the company processes and be aware of the slightest changes within the enterprise, which is especially important for a company of the scale and size of Starbucks. However, it is also worth bringing up the aforementioned principle of an organizational strategy implies that the leader does not trust the employees enough to offer them enough power and, therefore, preferring to take full control over the entire production process, which can be viewed as a contradiction to the previously mentioned employee-targeted leadership style. Hence the key problem regarding the Starbucks strategy concerning the organizational structure and the policy towards the staff emerges. While the company clearly aims at breaking new grounds in the relationships among the staff and the company leader, it still does not consider its employees reliable enough to undertake the decisions that influence the company tangibly. At present, the given issue seems a major problem regarding the company’s organizational strategy. HRM Strategies at Starbucks In his attempt at making the Starbucks a landmark in the history of companies’ development, the leader of the enterprise also adopts a very curious human resource strategy. There is no need to stress the significance of the ability to choose the right people and assign them with the right tasks. Therefore, it is crucial that the right strategy for choosing employees from the available candidates and assigning these employees with the corresponding tasks should be adopted. As a rule, the in the given process, mistakes are unavoidable, since it is hard to decide from the very star whether the specified person is going to perform well in the chosen setting. The Starbucks Company, however, found a very efficient means to solve the above-mentioned problem. To start with, it is necessary to stress that, as the most recent data shows, Starbucks uses a combination of HRM strategies to obtain the maximum effect. The situational approach seems the most reasonable in Starbucks’s case, since the market in which the company operates has witnessed an impressive change lately, i. e. , the use of the so-called capsule coffee. Only attempting to produce capsule coffee at present, Starbucks is, therefore, in the environment of stiff competition, which means that the company should be especially careful about the choice of employees and the means to upgrade the skills of its current staff. As it has been stressed above, employees are the Starbucks Company’s key priority along with its customers. Consequently, the HRM strategy used by the company can be described as the approach that allows for creating the environment for its employees’ personal and professional growth, where each of the company’s staff is treated with due respect and dignity. It is also essential to stress that Starbucks encouraged diversity in the workplace. Thus, it can be assumed that the company does everything possible to prevent the instances of discrimination on any basis in the workplace, be it the discrimination based on race, gender or religious beliefs. As a result, the Starbucks Company is considered one of the most progressive companies of the XXI century for a very legitimate reason. To describe the approach that the company adopts in its HRM practice, the following elements must be mentioned: benefits, recruitment, training, and performance appraisal. It is hard to overrate the importance of each of the components. To depict the company’s approach towards employees’ recruitment and training, one must bring up the company’s guidelines known as the Six Principles: * Making sure that each of the employees has been provided with the decent work environment and is treated with dignity and respect; * Providing diversity in the workplace as the basis for equal opportunities for people in business; * Applying the highest standards concerning the production values and process, as well as other related services; * Meeting the customers’ demands and making certain that every single customer is satisfied with the service quality and thrilling them into becoming Starbucks’ clientele; * Creating the environment that works for establishing a strong and integrated community of employees; * Recognition of profitability as one of the elements that is essential for the company’s further success in the specified market. The above-mentioned list clearly focuses on the development of trustworthy relationships between the company leader and the employees. Even with a specific emphasis put on the company’s performance in the last postulate, it is clear that Starbucks’ key priority is to build strong and reliable link between its employees and managers, as well as support the professional growth of the staff. Thus, it can be assumed that Starbucks invests in each employee, training the latter and encouraging his/her progress, while the employee offers the company his/her services, which improve gradually. The given approach cannot be denied its effect on the company’s performance – the more an employee is trained, the better (s) he performs. The given strategy, however, also has a number of disadvantages, one of which concerns the time, effort and money that the company is likely to waste in case of an HRM mistake. Unless the human factor is completely eliminated from the company’s HRM department, mistakes in assigning the wrong people with the wrong positions will continue, which is quite natural. For Starbucks, with its devotion towards each employee, however, several HRM mistakes in a row might turn out fatal, since the resources spent on training, coaching and encouraging. Starbucks: Motivation and Effectiveness Regardless of the aforementioned drawbacks in the shield of the company’s HRM practices, it must be admitted that the general course of Starbucks concerning the leadership strategy, the team structure and the chosen HRM approach are rather efficient and refreshing in the light of the fact that most companies adopt a transformational leadership style at present. In contrast to the latter, Starbucks clearly states that it does not aim at reinventing the employees’ perspective of teamwork, which means that the employees are not going to be put into a stressful environment. Therefore, the chosen track works perfectly well as the means to create engaging environment for the employees. The corporate values clearly involve professional development of the employees, and the HRM strategies are evidently aimed at investing into the current employees as much as possible, making sure that the current staff, who is presumably already expert in their jobs, will evolve professionally so that the company could use the services of experts. The fact that Starbucks actually invests into its employees and allows for their professional growth instead of using their potential thoughtlessly, as most present-day companies do, is alone outstanding. Thus, it can be assumed that Starbucks’ approach towards its human resources is the company’s greatest asset. It is quite impressive that the company actually manages to translate the demands of the employees into the principles of the corporate HR strategy. The key advantage of the approach chosen by the company is that it motivates the employees not merely for a change, but for a conscious progress and encourages them to develop professionally, at the same time keeping them willing to contribute their newly acquired skills and knowledge to the company for the benefit of the latter. As Baker et al. (2008) explain, conscious motivation is the first step towards success: â€Å"A typical recipe for motivation calls for a mixture of persuasion, encouragement, and compulsion. Yet the best leaders, we suspect, need no recipe: They get people to produce great results by appealing to their deepest drives, needs, and desires† (Baker et al. , 2008, 51). Concerning the Negative Effects of the Leadership Strategy However, Starbucks also displays a number of negative tendencies that might possibly hinder the company’s progress. As it has been mentioned above, the fact that the company invests so much into the employees’ development makes it extremely vulnerable towards the employees who do not see themselves as members of a team and prefer shifting from one company to another in search for better terms of employment. In a nutshell, the company’s key problem is that it does not reinvent the employees’ perception of teamwork; instead, it adapts towards the employees’ requirements to a reasonable extent. Nevertheless, chances are that even such type of employees will learn the benefits of working for the Starbucks Company and change their motivations. Another considerable drawback of the leadership strategy chosen by the Starbucks Company is that when pushed too far, nit starts conflicting with the company’s interests, i. e. , efficient production and selling. According to the recent news, Starbucks has already faced a crisis when trying to conquer new markets and abandoning its initial strategy of putting the employees before the company. As the reports say, after the experiment mentioned above failed, the Starbucks Company resumed striving for its employees’ professional growth. Therefore, it must be admitted that the leadership strategy chosen by Starbucks presupposes that the company must take care of the expansion and the personal and professional needs of the employees, which is a rather complicated task. That being said, the key drawback of the chosen leadership approach is that it does not allow for radical changes, which the company is likely to benefit from, since these changes might affect the employees negatively, which the company’s policies are strictly against. It is worth mentioning that Starbucks has already faced the dilemma concerning the economic growth versus the needs of the employees, which resulted in choosing the latter. As the given example, shows, the Starbucks is far from providing an exemplary leadership strategy; however, to the company’s credit, Howard Schultz, the Starbucks leader, has created the only enterprise where the needs of the staff are pout before the needs of the company and yet managed to enjoy tremendous success.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Unbearable Ecstasy, Reverence and Awe, and the Perpetuation of an Aesthetic Conflict Essays

Unbearable Ecstasy, Reverence and Awe, and the Perpetuation of an Aesthetic Conflict Essays Unbearable Ecstasy, Reverence and Awe, and the Perpetuation of an Aesthetic Conflict Essay Unbearable Ecstasy, Reverence and Awe, and the Perpetuation of an Aesthetic Conflict Essay In this paper, I will attempt to explicate and discuss some aspects of Frances Tustins concept of the unbearable ecstasy of at-one-ment emphasizing her attentiveness to the importance of the containing function of the mother with regard to this elemental experience; Meltzers notion of the aesthetic conflict; and Bions important and original distinction between reverence and awe and defensive idealization as each of these specific themes separately and in combination have some essential bearing upon the provocation or mitigation of envy, the process of introjection, the development of both healthy and pathological internal object relations, and the resultant nature of the super-ego and individual self-esteem. I hope to be able to demonstrate how these concepts overlap, intersect, and modify one another perhaps reflecting the personal and professional intersection between these three clinicians and their profound impact on my thinking. Toward this end, I will offer clinical case material, both as a background for and an illustration of the phenomena described, as well as certain conclusions, which may have some impact upon our attitude and technique in psychoanalysis. To begin with, I would like to present a clinical vignette from the analysis of a patient, whom I will call Jessica, as an introduction to and background for the theoretical discussion which follows. Jessica (Clinical Material Omitted Here) The Aesthetic Conflict I was re-minded of Jessicas experience while reading Donald Meltzers paper (Meltzer Williams, 1988) on what he terms the aesthetic conflict. In that paper, Meltzer states: It has probably escaped no-ones attention that the percentage of beautiful mothers recorded in the course of psycho-analysis far exceeds the national average and that this appellation clearly refers back to childhood impressions often completely out of keeping with later more objective judgments by the patients of their middle-aged parent (p.8-9). Here Meltzer prompts our consideration of the possibility that the view of the beautiful mother, often presented by patients in analysis, harkens back to some early proto-aesthetic experience; one that is however not without conflict. Rocked in the cradle of the deep of his mothers graceful walk; lulled by the music of her voice set against the syncopation of his own heart-beat and hers; responding in dance like a little seal, playful as a puppy. But moments of anxiety, short of fetal distress, may also transmit itself through heart-beat, rigidity, trembling, jarring movements; perhaps a coital activity may be disturbing rather than enjoyable, perhaps again dependent on the quality of maternal emotion; maternal fatigue may transmit itself by loss of postural tone and graceless movement (p.17). In this passage Meltzer indicates that the baby knows its mother inside and out as both the bad and the beautiful and is impacted on a sensual level by each of her physical, mental, and emotional qualities even before its birth. This notion reverberates with findings from current fetal observation (Mancia 1981; Piontelli 1985, 1987, 1988, 1992a, 1992b), psychoanalytic/clinical inference (Bion 1976/1987,1977a; Freud 1926; Hansen 1994; Maiello 1995; Mitrani 1996; Osterweil 1990; Paul 1981, 1989, 1990; Share 1994), and imaginative conjecture (Bion 1979). Indeed Meltzer purports that . . . every baby knows from experience that his mother has an inside world, a world where he has dwelled and from whence he has been expelled or escaped, depending on his point of view (p.21), and he goes on to posit that, after birth: The ordinary devoted mother presents to her ordinary beautiful baby a complex object of overwhelming interest, both sensual and infra-sensual. Her outward beauty . . . bombards him with an emotional experience of a passionate quality, the result of his being able to see [her] as beautiful. But the meaning of his mothers behavior, of the appearance and disappearance of the breast and of the light in her eyes, of a face over which emotions pass like the shadows of clouds over the landscape, are unknown to him (p.22). Meltzer seems to suggest here that mother is an enigma to her baby. The baby may have known her, and yet perhaps shaken by the impressive caesura of the act of birth (Freud 1926) it has suddenly become uncertain of what it knows. Is she a beauty or the beast? When Meltzer proposes that This is the aesthetic conflict, which can be most precisely stated in terms of the aesthetic impact of the outside of the beautiful mother available to the senses, and the enigmatic inside which must be construed by creative imagination (p.22, italic mine). it seems that he is implying that the babys sensory experience of the beautiful (good) mother must be confirmed by what the baby finds inside the mother, and that the babys experience of the mothers inner world her mood, her emotional and mental life, her attitudes about herself and her baby is colored by creative imagination, i.e., by its own phantasies via the process of projective identification. However further along, Meltzer appends the above conclusion, submitting that the baby must wait like Kafkas K for decisions from the castle of his mothers inner world (p.22). With this addition, it would seem he is suggesting and, I believe, is correct in doing so that it is not just the babys creative imagination that imbues the inside of the mother and the babys pre- and postnatal experience of her with meaning, since, as he so astutely observes, the baby must derive its cues from the mothers conscious and unconscious communications; that is, the baby must wait for its mother to confirm its greatest hopes or its gravest fears. To put it another way, the baby asks: how does mother view/experience herself? and it must anxiously await the answer from its mother. I believe that the babys question and the mothers answer together constitute one aspect of the type of reality testing that Melanie Klein (1975) referred to as the means by which the baby finds validation for the enduring existence of the good breast, the good internal object, and the good experience it represents. An example of this type of reality testing, and the consequences of a distorted message being received from the castle of the mothers inner world, may be seen in the following material from the four times per week analysis of another patient whom I will refer to as Carla. Carla (Clinical Material Omitted Here) Lara (Clinical Material Omitted Here) Reverence and Awe versus Idealization In a paper read at a scientific meeting of the Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society in 1967, Bion (1992) described an encounter with one patient who came to him after a previous analysis from which he had benefited, but with which he was nonetheless dissatisfied. At first Bion expected to find greed at the bottom of this patients distress, but it soon became clear to him that there was something else going on. Bion described his patients outpourings, which were so fragmented that they would have required an omniscient analyst to sort out and make sense of (p.289). Bions interpretations were either labeled brilliant or they were met with extreme disappointment and hostility to the point of depression. He finally concluded that: There is a great difference between idealization of a parent because the child is in despair, and idealization because the child is in search of an outlet for feelings of reverence and awe. In the latter instance the problem centers on frustration and the inability to tolerate frustration of a fundamental part of a particular patients make-up. This is likely to happen if the patient is capable of love and admiration to an outstanding degree; in the former instance the patient may have no particular capacity for affection but a great greed to be its recipient. The answer to the question which is it ? will not be found in any textbook but only in the process of psycho-analysis itself (p.292). In his customary style, Bion avoids saturating his concepts, leaving them somewhat ambiguous, and thus allowing us the freedom to use our own capacity for imaginative conjecture to fill in the blanks, so to speak. I will yield to the temptation to do so with the understanding that the reader may draw his or her own conclusions, which may very well differ from my own. I think Bion seems to be saying that, in this instance, he had met with a patient for whom Kleins theory of envy did not apply. Indeed he seems to be making it clear that he did not see his patients disappointment and hostility as constituting an attack on the good breast or the analysts good interpretations. Neither did he seem to see the patients fragmented presentation as the result of an envious attack on thinking or on the links that might have rendered his communications meaningful and relevant (Bion 1959). Instead, Bion appears to conclude that his patient was attempting to have an experience of an object who might be able to understand and transform the inchoate experiences of the as-yet-unintegrated-baby-he and was therefore seeking the realization of his preconception of an object who can contain these experiences as well as his innate capacity for love, reverence, and awe. I would put forward here that the containing capacity, initially found and felt to be located in this type of external object when introjected leads to the development of an internal object capable of sustaining and bearing feelings of ecstasy and love; an object that might form the basis of the patients own self-esteem. This aim certainly calls for an analyst who truly thinks well enough of himself and his own goodness that he is not dependent upon the goodness and cooperativeness of the patient in order for such a positive self-perception to be confirmed, and in order for him to continue to function analytically. Discussion with Frances Tustin During one of my final conversations with Frances Tustin (1994), with whom I enjoyed a close personal and professional relationship for over a decade, we had the opportunity to discuss this distinction, which Bion makes between the manic defense of idealization and the healthy striving to be in contact with an object deserving of reverence and awe. Prior to this time, Tustin had never read nor had she been aware of the existence of this paper of Bions, which I chanced to bring to her attention in the following way. When we were together in England, just one month before her death, I knew that Frances had little time to live and I wanted to express to her in most explicit terms how much her work had affected me. I wished to do this partly out of my own need to show my gratitude toward her this one last time. However, I also felt the need to reassure her, since she seemed to be plagued by a fear that she had not contributed enough, that what she had contributed would soon be lost or forgotten, or that it would have no effect on anyone after her death. When I told Frances how profoundly she had helped and inspired me in my thinking and practice as an analyst, she demurred, as if she felt I was in danger of idealizing her. She said that I gave her much too much credit for [my] good work and hard-won success, and she heaped upon me many other compliments that, although sincere, left me feeling somewhat rejected. Suddenly I felt a headache coming on, and my good spirits faded. When Frances noticed my mood had changed, she asked what the trouble was. I was quite candid with her about what I had felt and about what had followed, and said that I hoped she would be more mindful of the way she handled peoples gratitude for and admiration of her. After recounting my experience and those of the patients discussed in this paper, we talked over how she herself had stressed the idea that the ecstasy of at-one-ment (Tustin 1981) could only be borne if it were adequately contained by the mother herself (p.224-6). In the most primitive states of mind, beauty is associated with moments of bodily completeness in which there is an experience of ecstatic fusion with the earth-mother (Tustin, 1981/1992). If left uncontained, such ecstasy might be experienced as a dangerous overflow of bodily excitement equated with a devastating sense of two-ness (p.106), too much to be borne in mind, perhaps disintegrating into a painful if not unbearable somatic agony. When the beautiful experience of at-one-ment is unable to be kept in mind, not only does it leak out and dissolve in its antithesis the ugly tantrum of two-ness but the baby is now doomed to an eternal despairing search for that ever-present auto-sensual bit needed to flesh out its exp erience of being. We went on to talk at length about the relationship of the experience of ecstasy to that of the beautiful mother refered to both by Meltzer (1988) and by Winnicott (1945), as well as about Bions ideas regarding reverence and awe. We both knew that I was having difficulty facing the impending loss of her friendship and support, and that I was chafing at the prospect of her death. However it seemed to us in that moment that even more salient was my need to secure in our last contact her aid in containing all of my love and gratitude for her. Some Conclusions In part, as a result of that last conversation with Tustin, I have arrived at the conclusion that the resolution of what Meltzer called the aesthetic conflict might be predicated, at least in part, upon the capacity of the mother to contain the babys reverence and awe of her, along with her own capacity for tolerating her babys hatred, envy, and terror of loss. This may prove clinically crucial when we consider the process of internalization or introjection by the patient of the analyst and his/her functioning which is essential to insure a successful treatment. It might be said that the apprehension of beauty (Meltzer 1988) is linked to the existence at the core of the inner sphere of the personality of a container, not just for our painful experiences, but for those joyful ones as well; a containing object with the capacity to endure not just our feelings of hatred toward the object (and therefore toward the self), but one that is enduring of and resonating with those loving feelings felt toward the perceived external object, one in which the capacity for realistic self-love and esteem are rooted. As Kahlil Gibran wisely wrote in The Prophet : And a poet said, Speak to us of Beauty. And he answered: Where shall you seek beauty, and how shall you find her unless she herself be your way and your guide? And how shall you speak of her except she be the weaver of your speech? (1923/1976, p. 74) It must not escape our awareness that our capacity to love and therefore to forgive ourselves depends largely upon the way in which our loving feelings have been dealt with, accepted, and validated by an other. It seems when all is said and done that we are limited in part in our capacity for self-esteem by the limitations of our parents capacity (and later our analysts) to contain and therefore confirm our feelings of reverence and awe. I believe that herein lie several technical implications of enormous import. For example, we must consider that if we interpret the patients genuine reverence and awe of us (when we are felt as truly good objects) as a defensive idealization (as if we were instead being experienced as bad objects) perhaps out of some rigidly inappropriate adherence to our theories we will fail in our function as a container (Bion, 1977b) for experiences of true goodness, and consequently this essential internal function will fail to develop in the patient. Instead, the Super ego (Bion 1962, p.97) will be augmented and its devastating effects intensified, where forgiveness and the striving for life might otherwise healthfully prevail. Additionally, the development of an enduring faith in the existence of goodness and beauty, with increasing hope for their apprehension, will be stultified. When hopefulness perishes, nagging doubts about the goodness of the object and therefore about the worthiness of the self perpetuate in spite of repeated proofs of such goodness and worthiness. Moreover, increased envy and defensive idealization will proliferate hyperbolically (Mitrani 1993). As analysts we need to realize that the degree of our awareness of our strengths and limitations, and the extent of our willingness and ability to consider, to accurately evaluate, and to acknowledge to ourselves the impact of the messages we send to the baby-in-the-analysand from the castle of our inner world are crucial factors in providing an emotional experience for the patient that serves to mend old wounds and facilitate new growth.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Compton Effect or Compton Scattering in Physics

The Compton Effect or Compton Scattering in Physics The Compton effect (also called Compton scattering) is the result of a high-energy photon  colliding with a target, which releases loosely bound electrons from the outer shell of the atom or molecule. The scattered radiation experiences a wavelength shift that cannot be explained in terms of classical wave theory, thus lending support to Einsteins  photon theory. Probably the most important implication of the effect is that it showed light could not be fully explained according to wave phenomena.  Compton scattering is one example of a type of inelastic scattering of light by a charged particle. Nuclear scattering also occurs, although the Compton effect typically refers  to the interaction with electrons. The effect was first demonstrated in 1923 by Arthur Holly Compton (for which he received a 1927 Nobel Prize  in Physics). Comptons graduate student, Y.H. Woo, later verified the effect. How Compton Scattering Works The scattering is demonstrated is pictured in the diagram. A high-energy photon (generally X-ray or gamma-ray) collides with a target, which has loosely-bound electrons in its outer shell. The incident photon has the following energy E and linear momentum p: E hc / lambdap E / c The photon gives part of its energy to one of the almost-free electrons, in the form of kinetic energy, as expected in a particle collision. We know that total energy and linear momentum must be conserved. Analyzing these energy and momentum relationships for the photon and electron, you end up with three equations: energyx-component momentumy-component momentum ... in four variables: phi, the scattering angle of the electrontheta, the scattering angle of the photonEe, the final energy of the electronE, the final energy of the photon If we care only about the energy and direction of the photon, then the electron variables can be treated as constants, meaning that its possible to solve the system of equations. By combining these equations and using some algebraic tricks to eliminate variables, Compton arrived at the following equations (which are obviously related, since energy and wavelength are related to photons): 1 / E - 1 / E 1/( me c 2) * (1 - cos theta)lambda - lambda h/(me c) * (1 - cos theta) The value h/(me c) is called the Compton wavelength of the electron and has a value of 0.002426 nm (or 2.426 x 10-12 m). This isnt, of course, an actual wavelength, but really a proportionality constant for the wavelength shift. Why Does This Support Photons? This analysis and derivation are based on a particle perspective and the results are easy to test. Looking at the equation, it becomes clear that the entire shift can be measured purely in terms of the angle at which the photon gets scattered. Everything else on the right side of the equation is a constant. Experiments show that this is the case, giving great support to the photon interpretation of light. Edited by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 15

Leadership - Essay Example Just as with any other business, the school’s primary objective is to improve the quality of education since the business centers on the provision of education services. This way, the capacity of the school improves. As indicated, a principle is both a leader and a manager. This requires the new principle to adopt management and leadership theories that change the performance of the school within the shortest time possible. Among the vital aspects of management in the facility is human resource management. The members of staff are the primary resources at the facility and therefore require effective management in order to improve the performance of the school. However, the analysis of the forty-one member staff portrays a grim picture of the schools future. Among the first management operations, that the new principle must carry out is employee evaluation. The evaluation will help the manager make appropriate decisions on the management of the school. As the study portrays, some of the teachers are unmotivated while others have no expertise. The staff assessment will help the principle determine the appropriate number of teachers to retain. The new principle must inherit a lean and equally efficient staff. Efficiency of the staff relies on their level of motivation and enthusiasm. Those who the analysis proved to lack expertise must quit the facility while the rest must promise to work efficiently. Management theory of leadership is the most appropriate in the circumstance. The theory centers on the roles of employee supervision, group performance and employee motivation among many other vital features of an organization. The theory dictates that the leader must have absolute understanding of employee psychology in order to formulate and implement policies that will steer growth and prosperity in the organization. Among the vital employee, motivational theories that

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How would have Robert Moses reacted to the economic development Essay

How would have Robert Moses reacted to the economic development imperative - Essay Example â€Å"Governance of the city political system involves a complex set of functions around three broad themes: democratic accountability, the delivery of public goods and services and the maintenance of civil harmony.† (Berg 1) The book by Berg talks about the New York City’s economic development in great depth. According to Berg the city’s political environment depends on the elected leaders and their policies. The policies should result in the formation of a sound system that provides goods and services to its residents. Lastly, there should be conflict management in the economy to maintain law and order; all these form the pillars for a political system of a city. Reading this book and comparing the thoughts of the writer with the greatest builder of the New York City gives us an interesting analysis. Robert Moses was responsible for most of the public activities in the New York City in his era. Moses built bridges, expressways, parkways, and housing schemes and expanded the major universities. In his opinion infrastructure was very important for the development of the city and he worked a great deal for the economic development of the New York City by development its infrastructure. He would have reacted to the manufacturing decline by building more cost effective plants rather than take this as a changing economic scenario.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Learning a Foreign Language Essay Example for Free

Learning a Foreign Language Essay Whats the best age to learn a new language? researchers say that you shouldnt wait too long before introducing a baby to foreign languages. According to the critical period hypothesis, theres a certain window in which second language acquisition skills are at their peak. Researchers disagree over just how long that window is some say that it ends by age 6 or 7, while others say that it extends all the way through puberty but after that period is over, it becomes much harder for a person to learn a new language. Its not impossible, but children in that critical period have an almost universal success rate at achieving near fluency and perfect accents, while adults results are more hit-and-miss. Because children are so much more skilled at picking up a second language than adults, immersion preschools and elementary schools are a popular choice for parents. Students at these schools have math, story time and social studies the way other students do, but their classes are taught in a foreign language. Not only does this give the students ample time to practice the foreign language, but some research indicates that such a program might have other academic benefits, such as higher math scores and sharper critical thinking skills. And learning a second language at such a young age doesnt hinder any abilities in the childs native language it seems a childs brain is wired so that all linguistic rules, be they native or foreign, are picked up quickly. However, just because a child becomes fluent in Italian, Russian and Portuguese doesnt mean that he or she will be speaking those languages 50 years later. Without extended exposure to a language, the childs abilities diminish, so its important to provide continued opportunities to practice these skills. anguage is too complex for children to understand. All the people know that if one wants to learn a foreign language, one must understand its grammars and vocabularies. These things can not be easily understood by a child who does not have enough experience. Children are simply reciting the rules of grammars and vocabularies. The mountain like amount of rules and vocabularies are difficult for every people, especially children. As children are reciting the rules of grammars and vocabularies, they are forgetting them gradually to none. As a result, there is no good result for both children themselves and parents. Not everyone is a genius, and so almost of the children can not hold as many languages as their parents hopes. So, from my view children should not begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Camera Techniques in Film Making :: Cinematography Movies Essays Papers Producing

Camera Techniques in Film Making What do you think about when watching a film? Do you focus on the characters' good looks or the dialogue? Or do you go behind the scenes and think about what made the film? Maybe, it's even a combination of all three. No matter what comes to mind first, an important part of any good movie will be what you see. A camera and good director or cinematographer is needed to make that possible. Different directors and cinematographers will use different camera techniques to make you focus on what you see. Camera techniques show emphasis in films, because they make you focus more on situations and people. They are especially important in Darren Aronofsky’s Requiem for a Dream. One popular camera technique used in films is panning. Camera panning can emphasize emotion in films. According to a writer on camera techniques, "Following the subject's gaze down to the floor may symbolize rejection or desperation and loss. The moves work because they are related to your story" (Stevenson). In the movie Requiemfor a Dream, panning came into play in a particularly important scene. Marion, a main character, was walking down a hallway. She just had sex with someone she didn't like to get some money for drugs. The camera was right in front of her face, and portrayed the emptiness in her eyes. She was glancing towards the floor and looked like she was going to throw up. The camera also followed her face so closely, that you could tell how fast she was walking. The panning portrayed her feelings and actions so well, that it made the scene more interesting. It was a lot better than just seeing a view of someone head-on. Another good camera technique used in Requiem for a Dream were split screens. The split screens used by Aronofsky were perfectly split in the middle. The screens used maintained a good balance of your attention on both sides. The split screens allowed you to see two characters at once, making it easy to see what each one was doing at the same time. For example, there was a scene where Harry and Marion were talking to each other. Both of their faces and bodies were shown at the same time. Each character's response to each other was shown while they were talking or touching. It emphasized each character’s love for the other, making it feel like you were in the room watching what was taking place.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Genie the Wild Child Essay

1) A case study is when researchers conduct in-depth investigations of individuals or of small groups. The EX POST FACTO method is an experimental research process, where the researcher manipulates the independent variable, while the dependable variable is controlled with the aim of establishing the effect of the independent variable on the dependable variable. There are many advantages and disadvantages to case studies. An advantage is that it can provide insight to specific cases. A disadvantage is that it may focus on isolated circumstances or events that cannot be replicated. Also a disadvantage is that people interviewed in case studies may distort their past experiences. 2) The scientists were trying to find out if people learn language from their environment or are they born with an innate ability to speak? They were also trying to find out if people can learn a language at any time in their lives or must they learn to speak when they are young? The hypothesis of their study was that she would not be able to come back to be a normal living human that is her actual age. 3) Genie spent nearly all of the first thirteen years of her life locked inside a bedroom strapped to a potty chair. She was a victim of one of the most severe cases of social isolation ever documented. Genie was discovered by Los Angeles authorities on November 4, 1970. Psychologists exhibited great interest in the case because of its perceived ability to reveal insights into the development of language and linguistic critical periods. Initially cared for in the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Genie later became the subject of bitter debate over where and with whom she should eventually live, moving between the houses of the researchers who studied her, to foster homes, to her mother’s house, and finally to a sheltered home for adults with disabilities in California. Funding and research interest in her abilities eventually ceased and she quickly regressed to her previous state. 4) I do agree with Genie’s treatment by all involved because in the end her treatment made it possible for many new inventions for children that might have possibilities like Genie’s. Her case study made many people think about how children are to be brought up correctly. If I was her teacher, I would try to help her while she is in class. I would also let someone know that I think that she could have some serious problems both mentally and at home. If I was her doctor, I would put her on medication. I would also tell authorities about what is wrong with her and how her home life could possibly be causing these problems. If I was her psychiatrist, I would let authorities know about what I think is going on at her home. If I was a social worker and I saw her, I would be really concerned and want to investigate to why she is acting the way that she was. If I was someone that wanted to adopt her, I would be ready for an experience of a life time and I would also be ready to have someone that needs lots of attention living with me. 5) Her behaviors and mental processes were unlike anyone around her age group. She was very much undeveloped. Researchers believe that this was caused from the lack of human contact. Also, because Genie was brought up in an environment that was not good, her verbal skills were very poor. At the age of 13 she only could understand about 20 words. The words that she did know were harsh and unusual for a little girl to understand. 6) The last time that Genie was found by someone was in 2000. At this time she was living in a privately owned facility for six to eight mentally undeveloped adults. I feel that today she should been someone that could show people what happens to children who are brought up in poor childhoods. 7) My connection to this specific case study is that people, who are brought up in â€Å"unhealthy† early lives, are going to have problems later on in their lives. There is not a specific case study that is similar to this one for many reasons.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Amazon Case Analysis

The case Analysis Outline Introduction- Brief summary of the firm, officers, industry and location Problem identification: major problems to be resolved-use the 4ps model Swot Analysis: strengths: weakness: opportunities: threats Alternatives: strategic choices-solutions to the problems identified Analysis of alternatives: cost/benefit analysis of the solutions. Recommendation: best/optimal solution based on the cost/benefit analysis 1. Introduction Amazon began in 1994 created by Jeffrey Bezos a computer science and electrical engineering graduate from Princeton University.Amazon was created to be an online bookstore that would be customer friendly, be easy to navigate, provide buying advice, and offer the broadcast possible selection of books at low prices and submit product reviews. Bezo operated from his garage in Seattle. Bezo launched his online venture in 1995 with 7 million in borrowed capital. Because Amazon was one of the first major Internet or dot com retailers, it receiv ed a huge amount of free national publicity, and the new venture quickly attracted more and more book buyers. Amazon has a 200,000-square-foot warehouse and distribution center.Amazon employed a relatively small number of workers about 2500 worldwide. Amzon employees own over 10% of their company, a factor behind Amazon. com’s rapid growth. Amazon has pizza teams that are given considerable autonomy to develop their ideas and experiment without interference from managers. Those pizza teams come up with most of the innovation. 2. Problem identification Product- Amazon has a customer review section on its website so that a customer may display any problems that he or she has sustain with the Amazon product purchased. However maintaining the physical infrastructure to to obtain supplies of books from book publishers and then to stock, package and ship the books to customers were much higher than anticipated. Price- Amazon was at a competitive advantage with their low prices * Ma intaining the physical side of amazon’s value chain was the source of the greatest proportion of its operating cost, which were draining profitability even though Amazon was at a competitive advantage with their low prices. *Price competition was also heating up due to the other companies such as Barnes and Noble and Borders who were also selling books online. Place- Amazon place in the book selling market changed the industry forever since it was the first online book selling company. * People can purchase books from anywhere as long as they can use the internet. Promotion-Since Amazon was the first online book seller it received a lot of free publicity. * Amazon was able to capture customer’s attention and establish a first mover advantage. 3. SWOT Analysis Strengths- -First online Book selling website. -low pricing -purchase from anywhere -offers 1. 5 million books -product reviews * Weaknesses -operating costs * Oppurtunities -Global expansion -retailer -aquiring s mall companies -New software -Branching in new market segments * Threats -opposing companies -price wars Pressure on profit margins 4. Alternatives * Forging allies with other companies so that when customers wanted a purchase immediately they could pick it up from one of the alliance retailers such as office depot or circuit city. Continue being innovative with prices such as having buy one get one half off sales or reducing prices by certain percentages on particular days. 5. Analysis of Alternatives * Buy sharing profit with allies the high product stocking and distribution costs were avoided. * Profit sharing also turned the company from book seller to â€Å"leading internet product provider. 6. Recommendation Allow any small business that operate a website to become affiliated to amazon by putting a official Amazon hyperlink to Amazon’s website on its own website.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Electoral College essays

The Electoral College essays The Electoral College is the statutory system in the United States for the election of the In 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Constitution of the United States was created. Before the Constitutional Convention, the United States had been governed under the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation was a weak central government. At the Constitutional Convention, the Founding Fathers were trying to create a rule of law governing the election of a President in a nation that was made up of thirteen large and small states who were jealous of the rights and powers each possessed. They were suspicious of any central government. The framers of the Constitution regarded the Electoral College as part of a method for electing the President indirectly by the people. The Electoral College system was established in Article II, Section I of the United States Constitution. The Electoral College was created for several different reasons. Before the Electoral College was assembled, there was a weak two-party system which could have allowed for a divide in the vote. A candidate that most of the popular vote didnt prefer could become the President if there were many regional candidates. There was a lack of information about candidates at that time because the nation contained only four million people cast up and down the Atlantic coast and they had a difficult time traveling and communicating. There was a need to have a strong leadership for the head of our government. The Electoral College settled the problem of the distrust between common men in making a good selection for President. The Electoral College works in a straightforward way. It requires a distribution of popular support to be elected president. The American people do not actually vote for the President on election day but, rather, we vote for a slate of Electors who are p...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Vocabulary Words for Vegetables in Spanish

Vocabulary Words for Vegetables in Spanish If you were a botanist, you might call vegetables vegetales in Spanish. If you were a culinary expert, youd probably say verduras or, less commonly, hortalizas. But whatever you call them, knowing the names of vegetables can come in handy if youre poring over a restaurant menu or  want to eat a balanced diet where Spanish is spoken. Talk About Vegetables in Spanish Here are the names of the most common vegetables (and some foods that are often thought of as such, even if they technically dont fit the definition), along with a few of the uncommon ones: A-B artichoke: la alcachofa arugula: la rà ºcula, la rà ºgula asparagus: los esprragos (The singular form esparrago is used to refer to asparagus as a plant, while the plural is used for asparagus as a food.) avocado: el aguacate, la palta (The English word comes from the Spanish avocado, which is no longer widely used.) bamboo shoots: los tallos de bambà º (In other contexts, a tallo is a stem or stalk.) bean: la judà ­a, la haba, la habichuela, el frijol beet: la remolacha bell pepper: el pimiento, el ajà ­ bok choy: la col china broccoli: el brà ©col, el brà ³culi Brussels sprouts: la col de Bruselas C-G cabbage: la col, el repollo (Many of the Spanish names for cabbage-related vegetables include col, which comes from the Latin caulis and is a cognate of the cole in coleslaw.) carrot: la zanahoria (The Spanish word can also refer to the plant itself, not just the root.) cassava: la yuca, la mandioca, la casava, la casabe cauliflower: la coliflor celery: el apio chard: la acelga chickpea, garbanzo: el garbanzo, el chà ­charo chicory: la achicoria chives: cebollino, cebolleta, cebollà ­n corn (American English): el maà ­z cucumber: el pepino (Pepino can also refer to various types of small melons.) dandelion: el diente de leà ³n (The word literally means lions tooth.) eggplant: la berenjena endive: la endivia, la endibia (Because the Spanish b and v have the same pronunciation, the two variations are pronounced alike.) escarole: la escarola garlic: el ajo ginger: el jengibre green pepper: el pimiento verde, el ajà ­ verde J-P Jerusalem artichoke: el tupinambo, la pataca, la papa de Jerusalà ©n jicama: la jà ­cama kale: la col crespa, la col rizada, el kale leek: el puerro lentil: la lenteja lettuce: la lechuga mushroom: el champià ±Ãƒ ³n, el hongo mustard: la mostaza okra: el quingombà ³ onion: la cebolla parsley: el perejil parsnip: la chirivà ­a, la pastinaca pea: el guisante, la arveja, el chà ­charo potato: la patata, la papa pumpkin: la calabaza R-Z radish: el rbano red pepper: el pimiento rojo, el ajà ­ rojo rhubarb: el ruibarbo, el rapà ³ntico rutabaga, swede: el nabo sueco (literally, Swedish turnip) shallot: el chalote, el ajo chalote sorrel: la acedera soybean: la semilla de soja (Semilla is the word for seed.) spinach: las espinacas (The singular form espinaca is used to refer to spinach as a plant, while the plural is used for spinach as a food.) squash: la cucurbitcea string beans: las habas verdes sweet potato: la batata tapioca: la tapioca tomatillo: el tomatillo tomato: el tomate turnip: el nabo water chestnut: la castaà ±a de agua, el abrojo acutico watercress: el berro yam: el à ±ame, el boniato, la batata, el yam zucchini: el calabacà ­n Vocabulary Notes Not all vegetables are classified identically in the two languages. For example, not all the coles are thought of by most English speakers as cabbages, and not all beans would be thought of by Spanish speakers as habas. Also, as in English, names of some vegetables can vary with region or because of how theyre prepared. A vegetarian diet can be referred to as a rà ©gimen vegetariano or dieta vegetariana, and a vegetarian is a vegetariano or vegetariana. A vegan is a vegetariano estricto, although the term may not be  understood in all places without an explanation. Preparing Vegetables Following is a selection of verbs used in discussing methods of preparing vegetables. Also, the verbs cocer and cocinar can be used generically to refer to many methods of cooking. boil: hervirbraise, stew: hervir a fuego lento, estofarfry: freà ­rgrill: asar/hacer a la parrillapickle: encurtirroast, bake: asarsautà ©, stir-fry: saltearsteam: cocer/cocinar al vapor

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The World of Prison Staff Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The World of Prison Staff - Research Paper Example It is a general observation that in people oriented occupations fatigue and passivity results into burnouts. Positions in criminal justice system, like that of a correctional officer in prison, is stressful than other people oriented jobs, from many angles. It is a job of adversarial nature where, interaction is mostly negative. Correctional officers are required to supervise inmates who are not willing to be there and they are also required to make them co operate. Stress is more pronounced in female officers than males, due to working in male dominated environment and work-home conflict. Officers with more experience (12 years or more) or prolonged duration of duty (one year at a stretch) feel more stress than others. Similar is the case with older age officers. Two variables increase stress consistently; these are dangerousness of the job and role problems. Correctional officers have to perform two conflicting roles of ensuring custody of prisoners and taking care of their needs a s well. Conflicting roles at times create stress. Nature of job is definitely dangerous as prisoners are often criminal and dangerous. Educated and minority race officers face more stress due to maladjustment. If correctional officers remain satisfied within their organization’s strength, job satisfaction comes naturally. ... The general stress is the result of experiences in the workplace and occupational stress is due to nature of the job. The contributing variables towards stress of correctional officers can be divided into individual (gender, educational and correctional experience, role problems and perception of dangers), organizational (supervisory & peer support, administrative strength and job satisfaction) and jail factors (training, direct supervision and jail unit). Stress related to age and race is not significant. There is interesting evidence in studies, which suggest that results of stress related to correctional officers are, similar and these are independent of jail, prison or setting. By nature, the job of correctional officers is dangerous requiring him to maintain order and ensure custody and well-being of inmates. In addition to normal functions, they have to perform court related duties, which results into conflict in duties, and added stress. Officers experience lowest level of str ess in strict custody capacity. Improved communication with supervisors and focused performance of job can significantly reduce stress. If the jail is made organizationally sound, workforce feel more relaxed. If the correctional officer believes that he has more control over the work environment his stress is significantly reduced. When an officer has some say in policymaking, his supervisors hear him attentively, and sincerely, he enjoys his work more and feels relaxed. It is important that officers must have authority in their jobs and they should be rewarded on good performance in the form of salary increase and promotions. Job satisfaction is directly proportional to stress in jail environment, if it is not there, the situation leads to burnout. Job satisfaction not

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Management - Essay Example That is the goal of crisis management, which can be defined as a set of activities aimed at minimizing the potential, or responding to an existing crisis effectively. As such, an effective crisis management plan may provide a company with an opportunity to effectively take urgent actions for minimizing the harm caused by a crisis and, in such a way, save the future of the organization. Furthermore, relevant crisis and issue management activities may even help the company to avoid a crisis and, as a result, save valuable resources to be invested into further growth and development. In is especially true considering the fact that news in the contemporary world spread within hours. Therefore, urgent actions for rescuing the company should be taken immediately after an issue arises. At the same time, good and well-structured relationships with the media may help an organization to decrease the level of crisis’ impact on the company’s future. Therefore, the given paper will try to draw up a basic crisis management plan for Shuanghui Business Group, a food business group that majors in processing pork. The company has already had some experience managing crisis. However, the presented plant will help it to forecast and assess potential future crisis, recommend specific crisis management processes and team structures, as well as provide a list of materials to be to be produced as part of the crisis toolkit. In addition, business continuity considerations will be addressed and a proposal for testing and refining the crisis plan will be presented. All this information will help the company to prepare for a potential crisis and, furthermore, get an opportunity to avoid it and save money. Forecasting and assessing a potential crisis the organization could face. On the 15th of March, 2011, Shuanghui Business Group was suspected of using clenbuterol pigs. As a result, the stock of the company dropped to the trading limit causing a loss of CNY 5.2 billion in th e capital market. Furthermore, the company had to withdraw its products form all the major supermarkets, while some marketplaces even stopped selling the products of the Business Group or refused to continue working with the company. The organization took back all of its products circulating in market and closed manufacturing down to be rectified (Zhang, 2011). Nevertheless, what Shuanghui Business Group experienced is the crisis of consumers’ trust or, if defined more precisely, a product-harm crisis (Dawar & Pillutla, 2000, p. 215), since it involved recalling products from all of the distribution networks due to safety concerns (Chen, Ganesan, & Liu, 2009, p. 214). As a result, the brand’s equity and company’s reputation got damaged, customers’ loyalty decreased, and revenues and market shares – lost (Laufer & Coombs, 2006, p. 379). So, in order for the Business Group not to experience such a disastrous situation again, continuous forecasting an d assessing a potential crisis the organization can face should be conducted. The very first condition for forecasting a crisis is noting both internal and external inputs. People’s perceptions of information differ – what one may consider to be a potential threat will be missed by another. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the organization does not miss any internal or external issues that might indicate a potential crisis (Harvard Business School, 2004, p. 12). For this reason clear and open communication channels should be determined and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Markteing Consultancy Report part 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Markteing Consultancy Report part 3 - Essay Example duction of iPhone, they changed the way people perceived smart phones – phones that exploit the benefits of what the Internet can offer with their easy to use web applications. The AppStores for iPhone products has created a new market for software programmers, from office applications to modern day games and video softwares. In order for iPhone to increase its market size and improve their profitability, this paper will focus on recommendations of marketing programmes that the company would need. The paper is centred on the Lauterborn’s 4C’s of marketing instead of the traditional McCarthy’s 4P’s. The traditional marketing programmes are concentrated on product, pricing, promotional and place strategies. With Lauterborn’s 4C’s, the marketing programmes will be motivated by consumers, costs, convenience and communication. Forget product. Apple must focus on consumer wants and needs. In today’s highly connected world, a company cannot sell whatever they can make any more. A successful company can only sell what a customer specifically wants to buy. Apple must need to lure each customer one by one and offer something in particular that each customer wants. Mobile phones, nowadays, are seen as a fashion item rather than a functional device. Most of the current mobile phones in the market offer similar features and functionalities. Apple can improve their market share by making iPhone available in different range of colours and features. Each customer must have an option to customize the physical aesthetics of the phone in order to suit their character and mood. A customized mobile phone would give the customer a feeling of ownership and uniqueness. Several designs of phone’s front and back covers should be made available in market in order to lure them to customize their own iPhone. Also, it is recommended that the company would create a suite of Internet based services that delivers email, contacts and calendars that can be linked

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Management Objectives for a Semi-natural Woodland

Management Objectives for a Semi-natural Woodland Niamh Fitzpatrick An effective and long term successful management plan of Derrybeg woodland is critical to conserve and protect the biodiversity of the site. To do this, the first and most important step is the implementation of a bassline study. This bassline study will provide information on the flora and fauna that is present on the site, allowing you to devise an appropriate management plan. The first management objective of Derrybeg Wood is to manage the mixed broadleaf woodlands which includes, oak-ash-hazel and wet willow-alder-ash. The management of these woodlands is imperative as they are natural or semi natural woodlands of high ecological importance. Throughout the management its vital that one firstly maintains and if possible restores the woodlands natural ecological diversity. The main technique for the management of these woodlands is coppicing. However, as Derrybeg Wood has not been actively managed for several decades, firstly it would be necessary for the standards to be thinned out. This will allow more light for the understory. By thinning the broadleaf species, it removes the less desirable or trees that are not as healthy as well as giving the remaining trees more space to develop (Betts Ellis, 2009). Thinning allows light onto the woodland floor, thus encouraging an understorey of small plants, shrubs and trees to grow. This generally occurs naturally in many woodlands i.e. as weaker trees die, thus this step is not causing any negative impacts on the surrounding flora and fauna and is simply working with nature (Betts Ellis, 2009). In terms of coppicing these broadleaved woodlands, all the multi-stemmed broadleaved trees and shrubs that occur together will be cut down to ground level. The size of the coppice coupes will need to be proportional to the woodland area (Betts Ellis, 2009). For this woodland, coupes of 1-2 ha would be suitable. For optimum coppice growth to be achieved, their density will be kept between 30% and 50% of the canopy. It is preferable to maintain coupes that are irregular and elongated in shape compared to those that are square or regular in shape because they create richer edge habitats (Betts Ellis, 2009). Coppicing works extremely well for the woodland on a whole. It creates ideal conditions for many different species. The influx of light is optimal for some wild flowers in the first few years after cutting. Also as the coppice grows and becomes denser, excellent conditions are created for nesting birds which are present on site (Betts Ellis, 2009) This is a long-term management objective that needs to be monitored and carried out over several years. According to a study by (Betts Ellis, 2009) the stools are expected shoot and in 5 to 20 years they will produce a crop of poles that will need to be cut again. As Red Deer are present in this woodland the advantage of the richer edge habitats may be lost unless they are kept out for the saplings to be able to regenerate. Deer can cause major problems as they are tall and the coppice takes a lot longer to grow beyond the reach of the Red Deers mouth (Betts Ellis, 2009). In order to prevent the deer from entering this site, a deer fence is the most effective form of protection. In terms of natural barriers, brash is an excellent and effective alternative. Objective two: The second objective is to remove the rhododendron that is present in approximately half of the woodland. From the bassline study, we found that the level of infestation varies throughout this woodland i.e. near the pools in the centre of the woodland and under the birch and oak, there is heavy infestation as well as near the eastern half of the woodland, within the conifer stands. These heavily infested areas are priority and will be cleared first. The bushes that are largest and most mature need to be removed first, therefore removal will begin in the middle and work outwards rather than starting on the edges with the youngest bushes. Its important to remove these bushes first because they have the highest yield of seeds, thus causing the biggest threat to the eradication of this area. Once these major seed sources have been tackled, the minor seed sources will become a priority. (Edwards, 2006) The technique chosen to remove the invasive will depend on many factors such as; the height in which its growing, the level of invasion and the accessibility to the area. for this site the removal of the invasive will be broken up into three different steps; The initial removal of the invasive the stumps will be cut therefore leaving no live shoots or branches. This will occur from September to March and the cut material will be removed to a suitable area to be burned. Only a small number of burning sites will occur as it creates more areas of bare ground, thus providing more areas for the seeds to thrive. (Kent Wildlife Trust, 2017) Controlling the stems and roots young bushes, residual seedlings and any regrowth will be treated using a foliar spray that contains an adjuvant to enhance the performance of the herbicide. This is necessary to remove the waxy layer that is present on the surface of the leaf (Kent Wildlife Trust, 2017). This will occur from May to October, preferably when the weather is dry. Mature bushes will then be treated using a stem injection treatment, i.e. cutting the main stem to allow a hole to be drilled enabling the use of the herbicide. (Edwards, 2006) Follow up treatments Its critical that these treatments are carried out thoroughly ensuring all ground is covered before moving on to a new site. If not, the invasive will re-establish. The rhododendron must be monitored and re surveyed at the end of every growing season to identify if there is any re-growth (Edwards, 2006). From this any follow up treatments can be established. Herbicides dont transport within the phloem of the plant, thus its necessary to repeat this process to ensure that the invasive is dead and cannot re-grow. (Betts Ellis, 2009) Its extremely difficult to achieve the complete elimination of rhododendron and it is a very time consuming process, however if its controlled until the surrounding trees close canopy then shading will halt its development (Betts Ellis, 2009). Additionally, as much of the rhododendron invasion occurs within the conifer stands, the dense evergreen crowns of these conifer species have a heavy shade, thus preventing the Rhododendron regenerating within the stand (Betts Ellis, 2009). In a report from the forestry commission (Edwards, 2006), it was recommended that the management plan should occur over a seven-year period, therefore these steps including the follow up treatments will take place over seven years to ensure the complete eradication of the invasion of rhododendron in this woodland. (Edwards, 2006) Objective three: The third objective for Derrybeg wood is the development of rides or glades. A ride is a linear open space within a wood that is formed for the need of access (Stephens, 2005). Rides generally have a hard-surfaced track which make up some of the width and they are usually made up of several zones. A path or track becomes a ride when it is wide enough for there to be an opening in the canopy, allowing sunlight to reach the ground (Stephens, 2005). The first step in this objective is to survey all potential rides to establish which rides to open or create. This step is critical to choose the ones with greatest potential. All archeological features i.e. wood banks will be carefully considered to prevent damage in the process of creating or widening a ride (Stephens, 2005). The depth of the ride will be equal to or greater than the height of the adjacent canopy. Rides that are less than this width quickly lose any benefit gained in the early years (Stephens, 2005). The rides will have a wavy edge as this has a greater wildlife benefit. The wavy edge maximises the woodland edge, thus increasing the habitat diversity. In areas where wood mice and red squirrel are present pinch points will need to be included at no more than 100-metre intervals (Stephens, 2005). This is important as they are arboreal mammals which generally dont like to travel along the ground. Thus, they require aerial runways to cross open spaces. Rides that are w ider can also cause disturbances to the population and subsequent decline if links across them are not provided. The rides will be opened out to ensure maximum sunlight. It will run on the east-west line rather than the north-south line because east-west lines are in the sunlight for longer (Stephens, 2005). They warm up earlier in the year and cool down later and warmth combined with sunlight will promote the greatest wildlife benefit. The sunny ride edges will rapidly develop grasses and several plants that may be scarce or not found elsewhere in the wood e.g. violets (Stephens, 2005). Shrubs may grow on ride edges and this is a great food source for many butterflies and other insects which are present in the wood. Many flowers and butterflies present favour open-space environments at the woodland edge and therefore should thrive from this being extended (Betts Ellis, 2009). The careful management of open habitats is significant as it introduces greater habitat diversity. It enco urages a larger range of species as many prefer the edge of habitats for feeding due to the higher level of herbs and the larger invertebrate population (Betts Ellis, 2009). Once the rides have been identified and created, its important that they are maintained and managed appropriately for the following 20 years by doing the following; Mowing the area where the greatest amount of sunlight occurs every year. Cutting a herb or shrub zone once every three to five years. Cutting a transition zone between the herb / shrub zone to the high forest on an eight to twenty-year coppice rotation. Controlling the presence of deer, as this is required over an extensive area, culling is the most practical method as opposed to fencing. (Stephens, 2005) Objective Four: The management of the wildlife present in Derrybeg Wood is another significant objective. Many species present in the wood are protected or threatened per the IUCN red lists for example the red squirrel and the lesser horseshoe bat. These species are protected under the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000. In addition, the lesser horseshoe bat is also protected under the EU Habitats Directive. Given the conservation importance of these species its important to follow guidelines in relation to their management and the overall management of the wood. The red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris, is a significant species present in this woodland, and it is critical that they are managed effectively to prevent their decline. As grey squirrels are not present in this woodland, food supply is one of the most important factors affecting the red squirrels population density. The management of the conifer species is important to provide a continuous food supply for the red squirrel. Generally, conifer species are of variable quality in terms of being a food source (Red Squirrels Northern England, 2017). The amount of seed produced depends on factors such as the age of the trees, thus conifers should be managed depending on the state of the woodland (Red Squirrels Northern England, 2017). The management of the conifer species in this wood will include; Sustaining a permanent proportion of the forest that is made up of stands of seed bearing age. This is important because conifer species dont generally produce cones every year. Many species can take up to seven years between cycles and some species dont start to cone until they are 15-20 years old. (Red Squirrels Northern England, 2017). Maintaining a significant amount of a variety of species, i.e. not just Sitka spruce. This is important to ensure diversity of species. (Red Squirrels Northern England, 2017) Ensuring a constant tree canopy that is not disturbed. To do this, the structure of the conifers will need to consist of stands of trees that are of a similar age. This will also help to reduce forest vulnerability to wind throw. (Red Squirrels Northern England, 2017) The lesser horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros is also protected under the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000. As this species has such specific requirements i.e. needing dense vegetation to forage and linear sites to travel, it is given added legislative protection under the Habitats Directive (McAney, 2017). To protect this species, the woodland will firstly be surveyed to identify trees that contain roosts. This survey will be carried out in both summer and winter. This will be repeated every 5 to 10 years after this initial survey to evaluate any changes in the population (Foresty Commission , 2005). After surveying, a natural reserve will be created to provide security and permanency for the species. The careful management of the rest of the woodland is vital and will enhance the feeding areas of the bat species as well as other species present in the wood. The natural reserve will be monitored and reviewed every 5 years. (Foresty Commission , 2005) Objective Five: The final management objective that will occur in this woodland is the control of bracken encroachment. From the bassline study, a substantial amount of bracken was identified in the north-eastern part of the woodland. The presence of bracken is a sign of soil disturbance and will require a long-term management plan. Although bracken can be significant where it is mixed with other vegetation as well as providing an important larval food plant for some species of butterfly, its removal encourages primary habitats to re-establish which is of greater importance for wildlife. The complete eradication of bracken is not necessary nor desirable for this site, therefore the objective is to control the spread of bracken on a long-term basis for numerous reasons e.g. to protect other valuable habitats and vegetation (Farrell, 1999). Firstly, the presence of bracken should be identified and mapped by surveying its distribution between the months of July and October as this is when it is most visible. Then its vital to identify the target specific areas that need to be controlled and tackle the target areas first, i.e. those that are increasing rapidly. Initially the bracken will be controlled chemically, using a herbicide. The most common herbicide used is asulox which is favoured over roundup as it is specific towards certain plants e.g. ferns (Farrell, 1999). The site will be sprayed using a portable knapsack sprayer from the middle of July to August where weather is not too windy or wet, and a dye will be used to identify the fronds that have been treated. Spraying doesnt have any direct effects on the surrounding animals or to human health, however it will affect the taste of the bracken, thus all grazing animals will be fenced off for at least two weeks (Farrell, 1999). This treatment is expected to remove 98% of the bracken present in the area, however the other 2% will re-establish on the land over the following five years if an appropriate follow up plan is not prepared. This site will require a ten-year management plant which involves the continuous monitoring and treatment of the site. Initial spraying needs to be followed by cutting every 2-3 years for the foreseeable future (Farrell, 1999). Its important that a period of at least two years is left in between spraying. This is to allow buds that are dormant on the remaining bracken rhizomes to develop (Roberts MacDonald, 2017). Bracken encroachment can also be controlled by sowing heather cuttings, as the regeneration of heather is an excellent way to keep the encroachment of bracken under control. There will also be a period where animals cannot graze allowing new vegetation to grow from regeneration (Roberts MacDonald, 2017) References Betts, A. Ellis, J., 2009. So, you own a woodland?, Bristol: Forestry Commission National Office . Edwards, C., 2006. Managing and controlling invasive rhododendron, Edinburgh: Forestry Commission. Farrell, F., 1999. Bracken Management. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 10 March 2017]. Forest Service , 2009. Forestry and Otter Guidelines, s.l.: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food . Foresty Commission , 2005. Woodland Management for Bats , s.l.: Forestry Commission for England and Wales . Kent Wildlife Trust, 2017. Woodland management control of rhododendron and cherry laurel. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 10 March 2017]. McAney, D. K., 2017. Vincent Wildlife lesser horseshoe bat (RHINOLOPHUS HIPPOSIDEROS). [Online] Available at:[Accessed 27 February 2017]. Red Squirrels Northern England, 2017. Habitat Management in Red Squirrel Reserves and Buffer Zones in Northern England. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 27 February 2017]. Roberts, J. MacDonald, A., 2017. Bracken Control. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 10 March 2017]. Stephens, P., 2005. Managing woodland open space for wildlife, s.l.: Forestry Commission England.