Saturday, October 5, 2019

Apples Supply Chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Apples Supply Chain - Essay Example Apple’s supply chain management is under strict surveillance. The production and management of the product is checked at every point by the designers and the authorities. The designers of Apple’s I-Phone work closely with their suppliers so that they can control them. They work with the suppliers and the manufacturers all through the production procedure so that they can have a close look at every minute detail of the goods. On the other hand, some electronics manufacturers deploy the entire industrial process of the supply chain into the hands of the third party service provider like Solectron or Flextronics (Nahmias and Olsen, 2015).One of the distinguishing features of Apple Inc. is that it invests huge sum of money in the creativity and design of its I-phone. They make sure that they have acquired licenses and made acquisitions of technology firms beforehand so that they can use their products in its series of goods and services. They also supervise market research and conducts product-testing to upgrade their products with the aim of achieving higher profit. Quality defects of the items are identified and plans are sketched out to minimize the danger of quality degradation. Apple Inc. stands first when it comes to branding. So to maintain its uniqueness, it spends massively in its Research and Development (Satariano, Burrows, 2011).Since it focuses solely on the innovation of its products, it misses out with increasing the number of features in its devices. Dell has a number of configurations.

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